Sample SMS for New Year

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View some SMS samples for various events and seasons below. The samples below are free to use.

SMS Sample Categories
 Congratulatory SMS  .  Romantic SMS  .  New Month SMS  .  Christmas SMS  .  New Year SMS  .  Mothers Day SMS  .  Fathers Day SMS  .  Birthday SMS 

01 - I met love, health, peace and joy, They needed a permanent place to stay. I gave them ur address hope they arrived safely. Happy New Year

02 - Year's end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, With all the wisdom that experience can instill in us. Happy New Year

03 - Glory to God in highest heaven, Who unto man His Son hath given, While angels sing with tender mirth, A glad new year to all the earth.

04 - Fill ur life with Happiness & Bright Cheer, Bring to u Joy and Prosperity for the whole Year, And it's my New Year wish 4u Dear… Wish u a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR.

05 - Good Times and Treasure of tomorrow - Bring Happiest New Year

06 - May the good times & treasures of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow. Wish you a Happiest New Year with lots of love, joy and happiness…

07 - Little keys open big locks Simple words reflect great thoughts Your smile can cure heart blocks So keep on smiling it rocks. Happy New Year

08 - A Happy New Year! Grant that I May bring no tear to any eye When this New Year in time shall end Let it be said I've played the friend Have lived and loved and labored here And made of it a happy year.

09 - New is the year, new are the hopes and the aspirations, New is the resolution, new are the spirits and Forever my warm wishes are for u. Have a promising and fulfilling new year.

10 - May this new year all your dreams turn into reality & All your efforts into great achievements.

11 - Each age has deemed the new-born year The fittest time for festal cheer. Happy New Year to you my dear..

12 - Another day, another month, another year. Another smile, another tear, another winter. A summer too, But there will never be another you!

13 - May lovely, happy times decorate this time of the season. May warm, special memories brighten your new year. May the wonder of Christmas be with you forever.

14 - May each day of the coming year be vibrant and new. Bringing along many reasons for celebrations.

15 - Beauty.. Freshness.. Dreams.. Truth.. Imagination.. Feeling.. Faith.. Trust..

16 - This is beginning of a new year! Another fresh new year is here, Another year 2 live! 2banish worry, doubt, and fear, 2love, laugh and give!

17 - Looking back on the months gone by As a new year starts and an old one ends We contemplate what brought us joy And we think of our loved ones & our friends.

18 - Little keys open big locks Simple words reflect great thoughts Your smile can cure heart blocks So keep on smiling it rocks. Happy New Year

19 - May this new year bring many opportunities to your way, to explore every joy of life & may your resolutions for the days ahead stay firm, turning all your dreams into reality and all your efforts into great achievements. Happy New Year to you & your loved ones.

20 - New year wish. Like birds, let us, leave behind what we dont need to carry, GRUDGES SADNESS PAIN FEAR and REGRETS. Life is beautiful, Enjoy it. HAPPY NEW YEAR

21 - New Year is a time for celebration of love, of life, of Friendship. Therefore, it is the time to thank God for the wonderful friends, and to bring to their lives as much magic as they bring to ours. Have a happy and a memorable holiday!

22 - New Year begins, let us pray, that it will be a year with new Peace, New Happiness, and abundance of new friends, God bless you through out the new Year.


TIP: The SMS samples above are free to use.

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